Saturday, February 04, 2006

Can you blame me?

Who does Cindy Sheehan think she is? My secret service guys had to arrest her just before my State of the Union address because she was wearing an anti-war T-Shirt. I’m sorry, but you can’t just go around saying and doing and thinking whatever you want! A democracy isn’t about dissent, and angry grieving mothers defending their right to speak!

Democracy is about the pomp and circumstance of a speech! It’s about traditions, like wearing a suit and a tie, standing, applauding, sitting down again, and being a white male.

Now I don’t purport to know everything… haha, Lord knows I’m not the brightest cookie in the tool shed, hell, I barely passed my Harvard entrance exam. Well hell, now that we’re being honest, I barely got through Harvard. To be really honest, there are a number of professors who are better off today than they were before they met me simply because I needed a passing grade in some Podunk general education requirement course!

God it feels good to be honest once and a while!

Well I completely forgot what I was talking about, but when it comes down to it, what more is there to say? Throwing her in jail for expressing her first amendment right is not illegal. The real crime would have been letting a woman with a face like a a slapped donkey be seen on television at the State of the Union. I did my part for my country.

(I don't mean to be mean or anything but... WOOF)


Jonathan said...

Damn its good to see you back posting. Don't stay away for so long next time.

Shantastic said...

"...brightest cookie in the tool shed."

As an English major, I commend you on your absolute puréeing of metaphors. That is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

You are a moron. I'm going to wear whatever the hell I want to wear whenever , wherever, and I'll do it all the time. You have the balls to piss off a country full of patriots that aren't in the military, but when someone wants to call you on being accountable for someone elses deaths you act like its not your fault. Well, you sent them to war, your the commander in chief. Your the reason people are going bankrupt, why businesses have to close cause your shuffling money elsewhere. Your using illegal means to make money at the American peoples expense. Oh,and this, Its called Freedom of Speech,and freedom of the Press. You can't shut down patriots. So, shut up, because you know, you do have the right to remain silent. You don't have to voice your opinion, because Cheney has mics always hooked up to you. There is all types of video of you on the net, from giving the finger, to drinking, to all types of crap. You are in for a rude awakening. Oh,and by the way, how many people are in the United States?, over 302 million, correct?. I suggest you do the math.
A lot of those people do not vote. A lot of those people hate you. A lot of those people are armed. A lot of those people did not join the military ,because they don't believe in the reasons of why we are at war. More people were in the military in World War 2 then are in now. Wars after World War 2 have not been just wars. So, Wake up, you dummy. Its only a matter of time before you are out of office. All I can say is that I suggest you enjoy it while you can.

Anonymous said...

my best friend was in the military intel, and when he relized what really happened, he could not stand the ideal of our military attacking our own country... he is now out of the military, and spreading the truth, and so am I.. This country is based on lies, and I no longer trust the goverment.. I will spread the truth....

Anonymous said...

thw goverment really attacked our own country, and i got proof

Anonymous said...

I no longer trust the goverment

Anonymous said...

we were lied to, by the goverment, We attacked our oun country

Anonymous said...

I got proof to show the goverment attacked our country