Monday, September 27, 2004

I am sooo grounded...

Ah Jesus H. Tap Dancing Christ! My mom found out I have a weblog, and she read it, and now my life is practically over. Mom found the site somehow and read the part about Laura being on the rag, and how I get erections while thinking about Condi at meetings and now she's in the hospital with symptoms of a stroke. Now my mind is racing to figure out if I wrote anything about doing coke, or whores.

As embarrassing as this is, it's not as embarrassing as the time she caught me masturbating in the Lincoln bedroom during Dad's presidency. In my rush to cover up I grabbed an original copy of the Emancipation Proclamation and used it as cleanup; I have to hear about that every Juneteenth, let me tell you.

Speaking of embarrassing, check out this...

(to be fair, I added the vote for Bush part, with the American flag)

Kerry tried catching a baby and inadvertently showed the world he couldn't catch, thus substantiating my entitlement to the thrown. Some people say that to be President of the United States, one needs to know the names of foreign leaders, the names of key foreign countries or the names of all 50 states. Well I might not be able to do all that, but I sure as hell can catch a friggin' baby if thrown at me, which in my opinion is as, if not more important.


Anonymous said...

I was laughing the whole way. Now I'm just shaking my head because you're so unbelievably funny.

Andrew said...

the baby was a bomb and Kerry knew so thats why he missed the catch, he is on to your tricks Mr. Bush

Ryan said...

This is the greastest blog in the history of the universe...funny funny shit.

Anonymous said...

Andrew you NINNY! go back to nevada.hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's not such a good idea to capture all the babies who will eventually be nurtured and raised to become stupid and superfluous Republicans? Such as the dislexically illiterate moron who recently drooled over his keyboard while typing with only one finger?

Al said...

I know this was sooooo long ago, but just recently I have been that bored at work to read every entry. so anyhow, that is a picture of me flying threw the air, yes I know "President Bush" likes to poke fun at us demo's but that is a baby (just past a fetus by the way) picture of me. however I cannot revel much more info, due to terrorism threats and/or the fact I know "President Bush" and that happens to be his brother flying threw the air