Monday, September 06, 2004

Another Ambush...

Well Camp David sucked. I got there and met with some leaders from other countries and turns out I didn't even get to spend the night. It was just meetings, no camping. Then to make matters worse, I get back on AIM to vent some anger to some of my friends and I get ambushed again by some so called "Friends."



Anonymous said...

this is re-beaver-god-dam-diculous!

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent, funny and inciteful pice of satire, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

George, the ACLU won't let you resegregate either. You're gonna have to call it something else. Think you'd have better luck with the ice cream idea and hope no one gets on you about the American obesity epidemic. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

forget that post above. :-) i responded to the wrong one...

-Uncle Dan