Sunday, November 06, 2005

Ethics in the White House

I sent out a memo this Friday to everyone at the White House instructing them to attend Ethics Classes in light of the recent high-level indictments at the White House, and I made it very clear in the memo there will be, “No exceptions.” Well, except for me. And Laura. And my dog Barney. That’d just be ridiculous (yet adorable)! Can you imagine! A dog, taking ethics classes! Ha! Adorable!

On a totally unrelated note, can anybody give me an example of irony? I've got this bet with this friend and we're trying to come up with the most ironic thing we can possibly think of, so if anybody stumbles upon an ironic situation or news event, please forward it along to me.

The President


Anonymous said...

Rain on your wedding day.

Pilot said...

10 thousand spoons when all you need is a knife.

Anonymous said...

A no smoking sign on your cigarette break.

Anonymous said...

اين روزا هي مي خورم اينور اونورتموم بدنم زخم شده اونورتر همه رو تيكه پاره مي كنن اونور لب مرز دارن از گشنگي ميميرن اينور دارن همه چي رو مي دزدن بغل گوشمونم بعضيا خودشونو دار ميزنن بعضيا همينجوري ميافتن ميميرن.... همه جام زخمه ببينيد... بتادين نداريم ...جاش الكل...

Anonymous said...

listing to a song by a band that died in an airplane crash...while flying

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A fire station catching on fire.