Monday, November 08, 2004

just… too… damn… HOT

Just look at her *sigh*. If you think this is a good shot, you should see the view from the back. Daaaamn… Whenever I talk to her I immediately begin to stumble, trip and fall all over my words – I sound like Jethro Bodine from the Beverly Hillbillies, but without the 3rd grade education. It can be so embarrassing. Around anyone else, I’m a regular sweet talker, my words flow like honey, but you get Condi in the room… *sigh*


Anonymous said...

...Ugh.....Slow Motion For ME!!!!........

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, George, whip it…whip it good!

Anonymous said...

That is right Mr. Bush the time of your demise is close at hand. We the followers of the great order of “ The One the comes to replace the One that was before Him and wasn’t that nice” otherwise know as the “TOTCTRTOTWBHW” or something like that, have seen the three stars, or radio antennas, in the night sky pin pointing the trailer park where he has been born. We shall soon arrive at this destination and take the messiah into our covenant, or some facsimile there of, and he shall lead us into a new order, striking down the old regime and ushering in the new paradise, where of course you are not invited. He shall let loose a host of small and large furry creatures that will overrun the White House and tear down your wall of tyranny. We shall also, lower the prices of all fast food, especially Chic Fillet, and raise the minimum wage through out the country. We shall throw off the yoke of Middle East oil and bring in the age of hydra animal electric power (don’t ask us to explain because it’s a secret) for our vehicles. And if we may paraphrase the great Spaniard in the movie The Gladiator “The time for honoring thyself will soon be at an end!” Oh yeah, and just to reiterate, Russell Crowe and Condi Rice are invited into our new paradise but not you!

Anonymous said...

she is hot, and, I would do her. Democrats suck!!!!!