Ashcroft said I could pet Osama today. We keep him downstairs in the laundry room away from the tours through the White House. Ashcroft says we have to release him to the public in one month because of the election, so he is going to be transferred to a real prison pretty soon which is kind of a bummer. It has been three years, but we finally got him. I like it when the news reports talk about how poorly I’ve handled the war on terror seeing as I spent more time catching Saddam and it turns out he wasn’t even a threat to us, but they’ll all feel like total jerks when they find out I did catch the real threat.
If we have to put him down, I don’t want someone else killing him. He’s my arch nemesis, I’ll do it.
this is by far the best damn political website EVER
and this coming from a hardcore republican hehehe
do you really keep him in the basement george?
id think u keep him in the lincoln bedroom
I agree, I'm a republican too...but I think this site is so great..I love it, keep up the laughs!!
I love it!
anything to say about today being september 11th??
I think you should bring Osama into the public a little bit earlier. I mean no telling what the Kerry Krew could have behind their backs still. Oh, and I know it is a bit too soon to ask, but for Christmas do you think that you could host a part in the green room. I promise I'll only bring like 4-35 people. Thanks.
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