Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Do the Iraqis really want us in Iraq?

We sent a team of 200 pollsters door to door in Iraq to find out, and the response was overwhelming. 58 of the nearly 59 pollsters who returned said that support for our troops in Iraq is high!

Tom Tancredo of Colorado says we should bomb Mecca if terrorists use a nuclear weapon against our cities… stick with me here, this may get a little hard to follow…

Question: Who is Godzilla?

Answer: The Japanese cinematic manifestation of nuclear destruction…

My point is; what would scare the shit out of our Islamic enemies more than nuclear weapons and a threat to blow up their most holy of holy sites?

Answer: Mecca Godzilla. Need I say more?


MrV said...

Perhaps the most brillinat idea you have had yet

Bella said...

Are you becoming smart on me? No, no, no - can't have that, Georgie. I need you to stay stupid, please. ;)

Anonymous said...

We should send them a mix...uh...rape tape made by Godzilla. I bet they would hate that G.W.

Anonymous said...

We should send them a mix...uh...rape tape made by Godzilla. I bet they would hate that G.W.

Anonymous said...

i donn't understand you american.